Chester, M., El Asmar, M., Hayes, S., and Desha, C. (2020) “Post-disaster Integrated Delivery of Infrastructure for Resilience,” Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Sustainable Development of Energy Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES) Conference, April 6-9, Gold Coast, Australia. Conference Paper
Molenaar, K., Alleman, D., Therrien, A., Sheeran, K., El Asmar, M., and Papajohn, D. (2020) “AASHTO Guide for Design-Build Procurement, Version 2,” American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington, DC. Technical Report
El Asmar, M., Gibson, G.E., Jr., and Cho, N., (2020) “The NHF Digital Library,” Technical Manual for the New Horizons Foundation, Chantilly, VA. Technical Report
Cho, N. and El Asmar, M. (2019) “Pavement Value Evaluation Considering Economic and Environmental Life Cycle Impact”, UKC 2019, August 14-17, Chicago, IL, USA. Conference Paper
Cho, N., and El Asmar, M. (2019) “Evaluating the Long-Term Environmental Impact of Pavements with Economic and Environmental Factors,” 2019 International Conference on Smart Cities, Jul. 17-19, Seoul, South Korea. Conference Paper
El Asmar, M., and Ariaratnam, S., and Feghaly, J., (2019). “Development of Innovative Project Delivery Strategies for the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP),” Water Research Foundation Report, Project No. 4753, Denver, Colorado. Technical Report
Developed the new PDRI MATRS 5.0 for large, complex industrial projects. Co-authors Gibson, Cho, and CII RT 331. Construction Industry Institute, 2019.Innovative Software and Tools
Developed the NHF Digital Library, a comprehensive body of knowledge of the New Horizons Foundation research focusing on sheet metal and mechanical engineering and construction firms. Co-authors Cho and Gibson. New Horizons Foundation, 2019. Innovative Software and Tools
Developed EXPRSS-TP: EXtensive PRoject delivery decision Support System for Treatment Plants, to support decisions selecting optimal delivery methods for water and wastewater capital projects. Co-authors Feghaly and Ariaratnam. Water Research Foundation, 2019. Innovative Software and Tools
Bingham, E., Gibson, G. E., and El Asmar, M. (2018) “Best Practices in Preconstruction Services for Transportation Projects,” TheEngineering Project Organizations Journal, Engineering Project Organization Society. Vol. 8, pp. 1 – 12. (Bingham 55%; Gibson 25%; El Asmar 20%) Journal Paper
Cho, N., El Asmar, M., Underwood, S., and Aguinaga, A., (2017) “Using Linear Mixed Effects Models to Assess the Performance of Design-Build Pavement Projects in the U.S.,” International Conference on Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Constructed Infrastructure Facilities (MAIRE INFRA), Seoul, South Korea, Jul. 19–21, 2017. Conference Paper
Developed FEED MATRS: The Front End Engineering Design (FEED) Maturity and Accuracy Total Rating System (MATRS) to measure FEED efforts for large industrial projects and predict their impact on performance. Co-authors Gibson, Ramsey, and Yussef. Construction Industry Institute, 2017.Innovative Software and tools
Developed P-MAST: The Polymeric Materials Selection Support Tool, a collaborative effort between First Solar and ASU to support material selection for cables, connectors, and rubber insulation used for utility-scale photovoltaic systems. Co-author Chokor. First Solar, Inc., 2017. Innovative Software and tools
Vashani, H., Sullivan, J., and El Asmar, M., (2016) “DB 2020: Analyzing and Forecasting Design-Build Market Trends,” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE. Vol. 142, No. 6, pp. 04016008-1 – 04016008-12.(Vashani 40%; Sullivan 30%; El Asmar 30%) Journal Paper
Chokor, A., El Asmar, M., Tilton, C., and Srour, I., (2016) “Dual Assessment Framework to Evaluate LEED-Certified Facilities‘ Occupant Satisfaction and Energy Performance: Macro and Micro Approaches,” Special Issue, Journal of Architectural Engineering, ASCE. Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. A4015003-1 – A4015003-13. (Chokor 60%; El Asmar 20%; Tilton 10%; Srour 10%) Journal Paper
TamizhMani, G., King, B., Venkatesan, A., Deline, C., Pavgi, A., Tatapudi, S., Kuitche, J., Chokor, A., and El Asmar, M., (2016) “Regional Soiling Stations for PV: Soling Loss Analysis,” Proceedings of the 43rd Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC), IEEE, Portland, OR, Jun. 5–10, 2016. Conference Paper
Ramsey, D. W.,and El Asmar, M., (2016) “A Comparative Analysis of State Financing for Transportation Public-Private-Partnerships (PPP) Projects,” Proceedings of the ICSDEC Conference, Tempe, AZ, May 18–20, 2016. Conference Paper
Chokor, A., and El Asmar, M., (2016) “Pile Corrosion Assessment Tool (ΠCAT) User’s Manual version 1.0,” Completed for First Solar, Inc., Tempe, AZ. Techincal Manual
Buch, R., Chhetri, N., El Asmar, M., Parmentier, M., St. Thomas, A., (2016) “Climate Change from a Gender Perspective,” Rob and Melani Walton Sustainability Solutions Initiatives ASU Global Sustainability Solutions Center, Report Completed for USAID, Washington, DC. Technical Report
Cebuhar, D., Chokor, A., Kay, B., Buch, R., Dekkers, F., El Asmar, M., Hershauer, J., and Hulley Friedman, M., (2016) “Healthy Buildings & Employee Productivity,” Rob and Melani Walton Sustainability Solutions Initiatives ASU Global Sustainability Solutions Center, Report Completed for Delta Development Group, The Netherlands. Technical Report
Developed ΠCAT: The Pile Corrosion Assessment Tool, a collaborative effort between First Solar and ASU to estimate the corrosion rate and service life of structures supporting photovoltaic assets. The tool is based on a meta-analysis of published predictive models, First Solar site data, and uses a new site’s characteristics to output results that inform decision-makers in the structural and reliability groups. Co-author Chokor. First Solar, Inc., 2016. Innovative Software and tools
Developed the New Horizons Foundation Guide to Evaluate New Market Opportunities, which supports decision-making for contactors entering a new market (e.g.; new geographical location, new market sector). Available at . Co-authors Sullivan and Sullivan. New Horizons Foundation 2016. Innovative Software and tools
El Asmar, M., Chokor, A., and Grau, D., (2015) “Teaching engineering literacy to non-engineering students: A Case Study,” Proceedings of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE) International Construction Specialty Conference (ICSC), Vancouver, BC, Canada, Jun. 7–10, 2015. Conference Paper
Cacamis, M. E., and El Asmar, M., (2014) “Improving Project Performance through Partnering and Emotional Intelligence,” Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, ASCE. Vol. 19, No.1, Special Issue: Construction Engineering: Leveraging Project and Career Success, pp. 50–56. ** Invited Paper Journal Paper
El Asmar, M., and Tilton, C., (2014) “Student Housing Energy Consumption: A Comparison of Chilled Water, Heating, and Electricity Use,” NSF sponsored North America-East Asia Workshop on Big Data Analytics for Infrastructure and Building Sustainability and Resilience (IBSR) Research, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, Sep. 19–21, 2014. Conference Paper
Arababadi, R., Parrish, K., El Asmar, M., and Haavaldsen, T., (2014) “Waging War on Climate Change: Policy Assessment at the Strategic, Tactical, and Operational Levels,” NSF Sponsored North America-East Asia Workshop on Big Data Analytics for Infrastructure and Building Sustainability and Resilience (IBSR) Research, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, Sep. 19–21, 2014. Conference Paper
Francom, T., and El Asmar, M., (2014) “Principal Component Analysis to Investigate the Effect of BIM Use on AEC Project Changes,” Proceedings of the ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, Orlando, FL, Jun. 23–25, 2014. pp. 159–166. Conference Paper
Chokor, A., and El Asmar, M., (2014) “Evaluating LEED-Certified Buildings Performance: The Case of Higher Education Facilities,” 20th International Cultural and Academic Meeting of Engineering Students (ICAMES), Istanbul, Turkey, May 5–11, 2014. Conference Paper
El Asmar, M., Chokor, A., and Srour, I., (2014) “Are Building Occupants Satisfied with Indoor Environmental Quality of Higher Education Facilities?” Proceedings of the Euro-Mediterranean Institute for Sustainable Development (EUMISD), Technologies and Materials for Renewable Energy, Environment and Sustainability (TMREES14) International Conference, Beirut, Lebanon, Apr. 10–13, 2014. Energy Procedia, Elsevier, Vol. 50, pp. 751–760. Conference Paper
Hanna, A., Shapira, A., El Asmar, M., and Taylor, C., (2013) ”Impact of Crew Scheduling on Project Performance,” Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, ASCE. Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 35–44. (Hanna 60%; Shapira 20%; El Asmar 10%; Taylor 10%) Journal Paper
El Asmar, M., and Hanna, A. S., (2013) “Developing the Construction Project Quarterback Rating: an Innovative Project Performance Metric,” Creative Construction Conference, Budapest, Hungary, Jul. 6–9, 2013. Conference Paper
Coppedge, L., Culver, J., Kao, K., Buch, R., El Asmar, M., Hulley Friedman, M., and Hershauer, J., (2013) “A Meta-Analysis of Research on Healthy Buildings and Employee Productivity,” Rob and Melani Walton Sustainability Solutions Initiatives ASU Global Sustainability Solutions Center, Report Completed for the Municipality of Haarlemmermeer, The Netherlands. Technical Report
El Asmar, M., Lotfallah, W., Loh, W., and Hanna, A. S., (2012) “Uncertainty Reduction in Multi-Evaluator Decision Making,” Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE. Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 105–112. (El Asmar 55%; Lotfallah 25%; Loh 10%; Hanna 10%) Journal Paper
Developed management software RBU using C++ to reduce uncertainty in multi-evaluator multi-criteria decision-making. The algorithm and experimentation results were published in refereed journal papers. Co-authors Hanna and Lotfallah. American Society of Civil Engineers 2011. Innovative Software and tools
El Asmar, M., Lotfallah, W., Whited, G., and Hanna, A. S. (2010) “Quantitative Methods for Design-Build Team Selection,”Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE. Vol. 136, Iss. 8, pp. 904-912. ** Best Paper Award Journal Paper
Developed the Majors Program Estimating Tool for the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT). The tool uses historical project data, together with the Program Evaluation and Review Technique, to produce conceptual cost estimates within 15% of actual project costs, as early as 30% in the design phase of projects. Co-authors Hanna and Whited. Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2010. **The tool is mandated by WisDOT for their Major ProjectsInnovative Software and tools
El Asmar, M., Lotfallah, W., Whited, G., and Hanna, A. S., (2009) “Quantitative Methods for Design-Build Team Selection,” Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board 88th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, Jan. 11–15, 2009. Accession Number 01129364. Conference Paper
El Asmar, M., and Luedtke, S., (2008) “Project Management Plan (PMP) Application User’s Manual for Design PMP,” Technical Manual Completed for the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Madison, WI. Technical Manual
Pecht, M., El Asmar, M., and Haddad, G., (2006) “Return on Investment Analysis for Prognostic Health Management Implementation on Electronic Systems,” Report Completed for the Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering (CALCE), College Park, MD. Technical Report