Call for papers on “Additive manufacturing of wearable medical devices” in JoVE

Call for papers for a Collection titled “Additive manufacturing of wearable medical devices” on the Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE) (Link)

The purpose of the Collection is to offer a comprehensive overview of additive manufacturing for the applications in wearable and medical devices.

The most recent Impact Factor for JoVE (ISSN 1940-087X) is 1.184, according to the 2017 Journal Citation Reports released by Clarivate Analytics in 2018, and the Journal is currently indexed in the major databases, including PubMed, EMBASE, Scopus and Web of Science.

After submission, each manuscript will be editorially and peer reviewed, which is typically a 1-2 month process. Once a text article passes review, a script will be generated. Generally, a filming date will be scheduled within 4-8 weeks after acceptance. A videographer will be sent to the authors’ site to film the procedure.

If you are interested, either message me or submit an abstract here (