Prof. Wonmo Kang
Kang is an assistant professor in the School for Engineering of Matter, Transport and Energy. His current research interests include biomaterials/biomechanics for understanding of injury and wound healing mechanisms and characterization of functional materials for energy/manufacturing applications. Before joining ASU, he was a leading scientist at the US Naval Research Laboratory. He is the recipient of several awards including the postdoctoral fellowship from the American Society for Engineering Education.
- Ph.D., Mechanical Science and Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2012
Professional appointments
- Assistant professor, Arizona State University, Jan 2020-present.
- Research Scientist, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Aug 2015-Dec 2019.
- The American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)-Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) Research Associate, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Aug 2014-Aug 2015.
- Post-Doctoral Associate at Northwestern University, Aug 2012-July 2014.
- Research Scientist, iNfinitesimal LLC, Skokie, IL, Aug 2012-July 2014.
- Summer Intern, John Deere Company, Champaign, IL, May 2008-Sept 2008.
- The U.S. Air Force Research Lab Summer Faculty Fellowship, 2021.
- FY19 Leidos Technical Publication Competition Award, 2019 ($5,000).
- Best Poster Award at International Symposium on Traumatic Brain Injury Mechanisms and Protection, 2019.
- FY18 Leidos Technical Publication Competition Award, 2018 ($5,000).
- American Society for Engineering Education-Naval Research Laboratory Research Program Fellowship, 2014 ($74,872 + Research expense).
- Best Poster Award at 2014 Nanotechnology for Defense Conference, 2014.
- Outstanding ME PhD Award for 2012 Graduates at UIUC, 2013.
- NSF NMC2013 Registration Award, 2013.
- NSF Student Travel Grants for the ASME IMECE Micro/Nano Poster Forum, 2011.
- Schaller Fund and Conference Travel Awards at UIUC, 2009.
- FMC Fellowship at UIUC, 2008-2009 ($9,000 + Tuition).
- Frank & Marie Wheeler Fellowship at UNL, 2005-2006.
- Exchange Student Fellowship (Tuition and fees), 2003-2004.
- Several Honor Student Fellowships (70% of tuition and fees), 2000-2003.