Category: Posts
Markey Olson Dissertation Defense – Monday, July 8th
Announcing the PhD Dissertation Defense of Markey Olson Title: Effect of Deep Brain Stimulation of the Pedunculopontine Nucleus on Gait, Balance, Attention, and Falls Mentor: Dr. Thurmon Lockhart Date: Monday July 8, 2024 Time: 2:00 p.m. Location: ISTB1 – […]
Arizona PBS Interview – Preventing Falls for Older Adults
Click below to see Dr. Lockhart’s interview with Ted Simons on Arizona Horizon!
MyACTome acquired by Healthcare Outcomes Performance Co.
Phoenix-based Healthcare Outcomes Performance Co. has acquired MyACTome, a Valley startup that created a smartphone-based fall risk detection platform. MyACTome provides a personalized assessment of a person’s fall risk and how it may change over […]
How AI is changing Medical Research
Read this article, featuring Dr. Thurmon Lockhart, to learn how Artificial Intelligence is used in medical research! Arizona State University. (2023, December 20). Here’s how artificial intelligence is Revolutionizing Medical Research. AZ Big Media.
GeorgiaTech Neuro Seminar
Dr. Lockhart will be presenting his research as a part of the GT Neuro Seminar Series. Click here to join at 11:15 AM EST on February 14, 2022!
Dr. Lockhart interview with PBS
Here, you can watch Dr. Lockhart’s interview with PBS about his app, The Lockhart Monitor.
Lockhart Monitor app published
Assess walking velocity and postural stability with a mobile phone. Screenshots of Lockhart monitor
Science says…Safety first!
Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls
Biomechanics researchers are using a special slip simulator to study ways to reduce worker injuries associated with tripping and falling.Originally published:Mar 7 2012 – 10:45am Get Inside the Science: Virginia Tech: Safety Regimen Decreases Injuries […]
Canes, walkers linked to higher risk of falls (Janice Neumann)
Walkers and canes can be lifesavers for older people, but a new study highlights the downside of using them without training. “A lot of older adults seem to struggle with their walking aids . . […]
How to Fall On Your Butt without Breaking Your Neck
The right way to fall, according to science BY THE EDITORS OF MEN’S HEALTH Wednesday, January 6, 2016, 3:40 pmFalling on your ass. In theory, it sounds hilarious. It’s the stuff of slapstick. And probably not […]