Cement-Based Composites: Manufacturing and Properties

Experimental and theoretical research is conducted in order to study constitutive response of construction materials using mechanics of composite materials. The interrelationship of early age properties such as manufacturing technique used, initial material properties such as stiffness, bond, rheology, and mechanical properties are related to performance and long term characteristics.  New techniques such as closed loop strain controlled testing and digital image analysis techniques are developed for automated determination of crack density, crack spacing and damage evolution under loads.  A high-speed impact test set up was also developed for high speed testing and characterization of composite response under impact loads.

Pultrusion Process
Modeling of Tension response in laminated composite
  • Soranakom, C., and Mobasher, B., “Geometrical and Mechanical aspects of Fabric Bonding and Pullout in Cement Composites,” Materials and Structures, 2009, Vol. 42. pp. 765-777 DOI 10.1617/s11527-008-9422-6. [download]
  • B. Mobasher, “Modeling of Cement Based Composite Laminates,” Proceedings, ACI Special Publications, ACI Special Publications, 2005, SP-224 Thin Reinforced Cement Products and Construction Systems, pp.179-192. [download]
  • Mobasher, B., ” Micromechanical Modeling Of Angle Ply Cement Based Composites,” Proc., 6th Int. Sym. on Brittle Matrix Comp., (BMC6) Warsaw, Poland, Sep. 2000, pp. 62-72. [download]
  • Peled, B. Mobasher, and Z. Cohen, “Mechanical Properties of Hybrid Fabrics in Pultruded Cement Composites” J. of Cement and Concrete Composites, 31 (2009) 647–657. [download]
  • Pivacek, G. J. Haupt, R. Vodela, and B. Mobasher Cement-Based Angle-Ply and Sandwich Laminate Composites, ACI Special Publications, High-Performance Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Thin Sheet Products, 2000, 15 pp.
  • Mobasher, B., ” Micromechanical Modeling Of Angle Ply Cement Based Composites,” Proc., 6th Int. Sym. on Brittle Matrix Comp., (BMC6), Sep. 2000, pp. 62-72. [download]
  • T. Desai , R. Shah, A. Peled, and B. Mobasher, “Mechanical Properties of Concrete Reinforced with AR-Glass Fibers, Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Brittle Matrix Composites (BMC7) in Warsaw, 2003. pp. 223-232. [download]
  • Mobasher, B. “Micromechanical Modeling of Filament Wound Cement-Based Composites,” ASCEJournal of Engineering Mechanics, Volume 129, No. 4, pp. 373-382, 2003.  DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9399(2003)129:4(373) (pdf format, 1121K)
  • Zhu, M. Gencoglu, B. Mobasher, “Low Velocity Flexural Impact Behavior of AR Glass Fabric Reinforced Cement Composites,” Journal of Cement and Concrete Composites, 2009, 31 (2009) 379–387. [download]
  • B. Mobasher,  “Modeling Of Cement Based Composite Laminates”  High Performance Fiber Reinforced Cement Composites- Volume 4, RILEM Proc. 4th Int.Workshop,  Eds. A.E. Naaman, and H.W. Reinhardt. E &FN Spon, 2003. pp. 81-93. [download]