Affiliate Faculty Process
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What is the role of affiliate faculty?
Affiliated appointments are made to paid ASU faculty members and academic professionals whose tenure or academic homes are in one unit (the primary unit) and are invited to serve in a role in another academic unit, center, or institute (the secondary, affiliated unit).
For ASU’s policy on affiliate faculty and academic professionals, see ACD 505–04.
Process Guide for Affiliating Academic Personnel
All affiliate appointments expire each year on June 30.
Action 1 Unit Admin requests the CV from the Affiliate Faculty Candidate.
Action 2 Affiliate unit drafts letter of support: Sample Affiliate Letter Template.
Signatures will need to be obtained in the following order:
- Affiliate unit Director
- Affiliate college Dean
- Home unit Director
- Home college Dean
Action 3 Once a signed letter has been returned, the individual in the school noted as the “originator” will submit the affiliate request by accessing the following form: Click here to create/review an affiliate form.
Information needed for an affiliate request in the Academic Personnel System includes the following:
- CV of Affiliate Faculty
- Signed Affiliate Letter
- Department Name
- Affiliated Unit & College Name
- Primary Reporting Unit & College Name
- Effective Start & End Dates
- Rights and Responsibilities: You will need to clearly articulate rights, responsibilities, and expectations in both the primary and secondary unit as well as any agreements related to evaluations for reviews. Deans of colleges shall send a copy of all appointment letters to the Office of the University Provost.*
*Note from the online form: Affiliated faculty or academic professionals may have governance, voting rights, and responsibilities in the affiliated unit, including eligibility to chair dissertation committees, if otherwise qualified. At the request of a tenure-eligible affiliated faculty member or a probationary affiliated academic professional, the secondary unit may provide input for probationary, tenure/continuing appointment, and promotion reviews to the unit in which tenure/continuing appointment resides.
Action 4 Approval process: How to Approve at the Affiliate Levels
Routing path for affiliation approvals:
- Affiliate unit approves
- Affiliate college approves
- Provost office approves
- Home unit approves
- Home college approves
- Provost office confirms final approval