A composite image of a network of satellites across an illustration of the Earth.

Information, Signals and Systems Lab

Daniel W. Bliss is the director of the BLISS lab and a professor at ASU.

Bliss’s research is focused on developing novel and disruptive system concepts with new capabilities or dramatically improved performance.  In particular, his research addresses wireless communications, remote sensing, and anticipatory medical analytics.  As tools in pursuing these research goals, Bliss employs information theory, estimation theory, and signal processing, combined with thorough system analysis. Many of these system problems involve extracting information in noisy and difficult situations.

Bliss has made numerous significant research contributions. In adaptive wireless communications, both as an individual and as a leader of research teams, he has developed high-performance multiple-antenna receivers that have demonstrated experimentally communications performance dramatically better than traditional single antenna systems.  Bliss invented and developed high-performance multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) signal acquisition systems.  Both the receiver and acquisition research led to patents.

In the field of remote sensing Bliss was one of the early and significant contributors to the theory of MIMO radar, particularly in its application to ground moving-target indicator radar.  He led a team that was the first to demonstrate the performance benefits experimentally.

Before coming to ASU, Bliss performed research in a wide range of topics including rocket avionics for the Atlas-Centaur launch vehicle and superconducting magnet design for particle accelerators, both at General Dynamics, and particle physics during his doctoral work at University of California, San Diego. More recently, he was employed by MIT Lincoln Laboratory for 15 years, where much of his research and development effort was focused on high-performance wireless communications, novel remote sensing (such as radar and geolocation), and innovative statistical signal processing for biomedical applications.

Portrait of Daniel Bliss

Daniel Bliss


School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering

[email protected]


Logo for Wireless Information Systems and Computational Architectures Center at ASU

Dan Bliss serves as the director of ASU’s Center for Wireless Information Systems and Computational Architecture (WISCA)


Media and presentations

On ABC15 About Cellular Outage

Slide from IEEE ISaC Lectures

Virtual Rice University Distinguished Speaker – 12/8/2020

Talk at the 2020 DARPA ERI Summit

Dr. Srinivas

Online Defense of Dr. Sharanya Srinivas

Talk at Temple University

Talk on Giving Talks

Making Waves team ties for 1st place in Spark Tank challenge

Slides from my Future of RF Spectral Use talk “at” University of California, Irvine

Contributed to Interplanetary Initiative Annual Convening

My talk on RF Convergence given at Mathworks Research Summit

Overview of Fluid Protocol Research

IEEE Warren D. White Award
Cover for Modern Communications, A Systematic Introduction by Damiel W. Bliss

Lab News

Quoted in U.S.News “What Is a Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO)?” – 9/24/24

Switched to Mastodon Social for my personal networking: @dwbliss on universeodon.com

Congratulations to my PhD student Saquib Siddiqui who successfully defended his dissertation: Towards Developing Multi-Function Wireless Receiver Systems Using Heterogeneous SoCs: Simulation, Implementation and Evaluation – 9/16/24

Congratulations to my PhD student Adarsh Venkataramani who successfully defended his dissertation: Physically Inspired Digital Pre-Distortion for In-band Full Duplex Systems using Software Defined Radios – 8/23/24

Congratulations to my MS Student Het Desai who successfully defended his thesis: Efficient Implementations of Matrix Inversion on 2D Array Architecture – 6/18/24

Congratulations to my PhD student Student Yang Li who successfully defended his dissertation: Accelerator Design And Hardware Implementation For Distributed Coherent Mesh Beamformer – 4/8/24

Congratulations to my MS student Anjali Dixit who successfully defended her thesis: RADAR-Based Non-Stationary and Stationary Human Presence Detection – 4/5/24

Gave interview to ABC15 about AT&T cellular outage – 2/23/24

Gave lectures at the 2023 Joint IEEE SPS-AESS and EURASIP Summer School on Integrated Sensing and Communication

Congratulations to Carl Morgenstern, Jacob Holtom, and Zelpha Thomas who celebrated receiving their PhDs during ASU’s graduate commencement.

Attended ASU’s Interplanetary Initiative Convening – 1/13/23

Published new textbook – Modern Communications: A Systematic Introduction

Discussed future of microelectronics and technology on panel for ASU’s annual Congressional Conference – 8/20/2021

Interviewed by Jim Mora on Radio New Zealand – Sunday Morning, Complete connection: the 75-year evolution of the mobile phone – 7/18/2021

Wrote article for The Conversation and Smithsonian Magazine, The First Mobile Phone Call Was Made 75 Years Ago – 6/16/2021

Quoted in Wired Magazine in Watch a Drone Swarm Fly Through a Fake Forest Without Crashing story – 6/9/21

Our research featured in an Academic Times article Radar-based system overcomes breathing-motion artifact to improve remote sleep monitoring – 6/5/21

Recipient of the 2021 IEEE Warren D. White Award for excellence in radar engineering.

Presented talk virtually at Rice University: DASH – Enabling the Next Generation of Advanced Software-Defined RF Systems – 12/8/2020

My conversation with The Conversation “What’s cellular about a cellphone?” – 11/20/2020

Congratulations to my master’s student Pravallika Reddy Ketha Hazarath for successfully defending her thesis “Machine Learning-based Analysis of the Relationship between the Human Gut Microbiome and Bone Health” – 10/29/2020

Congratulations to my master’s student Huiwen Chu for successfully defending her thesis “Constant False Alarm Rate (CFAR) Detection Methods: Performance Comparisons and Computationally Efficient Implementations” – 10/28/2020

Congratulations – Dr. Sharanya Srinivas successfully defended her dissertation  “Communications and High-Precision Positioning (CHP2): Enabling Joint Distributed Coherence and Precise Positioning for Resource-Limited Air Transport Systems” – 9/18/2020

Presented talk virtually at Temple University: The Future of RF Employment – 9/16/2020

Presented talk virtually at MIT Lincoln Laboratory: DASH – Enabling the Next Generation of Advanced Software-Defined RF Systems – 9/11/2020

Presented talk at DARPA ERI Summit, Domain-Focused Advanced Software-Reconfigurable Heterogeneous SoC (43:50 into video) – 8/18/2030

Presented talk virtually at University of California, Irvine: Future of RF Spectral Use – 5/15/2020

Congratulations – Dr. Owen Ma successfully defended his dissertation  “Anticipating Postoperative Delirium During Cardiac Surgeries Involving Deep Hypothermia Circulatory Arrest” – 4/8/20

Congratulations – Dr. Justin Echols successfully defended his dissertation “Control and Estimation Theory In Timekeeping Applications” – 4/3/20

Congratulations – Dr. Hanguang Yu successfully defended his dissertation “The Architecture Design and Implementation of Communications and High Precision Positioning (CHP2) System” – 3/30/20

Congratulations – Making Waves team (including graduate student Wylie Standage-Beier) tied for first place in an annual Air Force innovation challenge known as Spark Tank  – 2/28/20

Congratulations – Dr. Andrew Herschfelt successfully defended his dissertation, “Simultaneous Positioning and Communications: Hybrid Radio Architecture, Estimation Techniques, and Experimental Validation”  – 10/29/19

Best of Session Paper Award for “Joint Positioning-Communications System Design and Experimental Demonstration,” IEEE Digital Avionics Systems Conference, 2019

Congratulations – Dr. Christian Chapman successfully defended his dissertation, “Distributed Reception in the Presence of Gaussian Interference” – 8/29/19

Best Paper in Track, “Joint Sensing and Communications Multiple-Access System Design and Experimental Characterization,” IEEE Aerospace Conference, 2019

Spoke at Raytheon’s Multifunction RF Symposium at which I gave my Future of RF Systems talk – (5/11/19).

Attended the wonderful Interplanetary Initiative Annual Convening (4/6/19).

Secretary of the Air Force, Dr. Heather Wilson, stopped by our laboratory (8/25/18), and I had the opportunity to brief her on a number of our research projects.

Congratulations – Dr. Yu Rong successfully defended his dissertation, “Remote Sensing For Vital Signs Monitoring Using Advanced Radar Signal Processing Techniques” – 11/2/18

Congratulations – Dr. Arindam Dutta successfully defended his dissertation, “Signal Processing and Machine Learning Techniques Towards Various Real-World Applications” – 8/31/18

I was re-elected to IEEE AESS Radar System Panel, continuing from 2016-.

ASU Now story on our new $17M DARPA DASH project. Related stories: Science MagazineIEEE Spectrum

Appointed to Senior Editorial Board for IEEE Signal Processing Magazine

Congratulations – Dr. Richard M. Gutierrez successfully defended his dissertation – 4/13/18

ASU Now story on our autonomous vehicle joint communications and positioning research

News story on our autonomous vehicle joint communications and positioning research by local CBS affiliate

Congratulations – Dr. Alex Chiriyath successfully defended his dissertation – 2/28/18

Guest Editor – CFP for IEEE Transactions on Aerospace & Electronic Systems (T-AES) Special Section on Spectrum Sharing Systems

Received 2016-2017 Top 5% Teaching Award

Awarded 2017 ASU Fulton Engineering Exemplar Faculty

Congratulations – Dr. Bryan Paul successfully defended his dissertation – 3/24/17

Slate – Future Tense – I Help Create the Automated Technologies That Are Taking Jobs – And I feel guilty about it.

ASU Full Circle Article – Sending a message: Engineer calls for wireless communications revolution

Plenary talk given at 2015 International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC) in Stockholm: Cooperative Radar and Communications Signaling

BLISS Lab is a member of the new Center for Wireless Information Systems and Computational Architectures (WISCA): wisca.asu.edu

Elevated to Fellow of the IEEE, 2015.

Selected Recent Publications

O. Ma, A. Z. Crepeau, A. Dutta and D. Bliss, “Anticipating Postoperative Delirium During Burst Suppression Using Electroencephalography,” in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2020. (Open Access)

C. Chapman and D. W. Bliss “Upper Bound on the Joint Entropy of Correlated Sources Encoded by Good Lattices.” Entropy, 2019. (Open Access)

A. R. Chiriyath, S. Ragi, H. D. Mittelmann and D. W. Bliss, “Novel Radar Waveform Optimization for a Cooperative Radar-Communications System,” in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, June, 2019. (Open Access)

Y. Rong and D. W. Bliss, “Remote Sensing for Vital Information Based on Spectral-Domain Harmonic Signatures,” in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, May, 2019 (Open Access)

Arindam Dutta, Owen Ma, Meynard Toledo, Alberto Florez Pregonero, Barbara E. Ainsworth, Matthew P. Buman, Daniel W. Bliss, “Identifying Free-Living Physical Activities Using Lab-Based Models with Wearable Accelerometers,” MDPI Sensors Journal, Nov., 2018 (Open Access)

C. D. Chapman, H. Mittelmann, A. R. Margetts, and D. W. Bliss, “A Decentralized Receiver in Gaussian Interference,”MDPI Entropy Journal, April, 2018 (Open Access)

B. Paul, C. Chapman, A. Chiriath, and D. W. Bliss, “Bridging Mixture Model Estimation and Information Bounds Using I-MMSE,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Sept., 2017 (Open Access)

B. Paul, A. Chiriath, and D. W. Bliss, “Survey of RF Communications and Sensing Convergence Research,” IEEE Access, Dec., 2016  (Open Access)

B. Paul and D. W. Bliss “The Constant Information Radar,” MDPI Special Issue “Radar and Information Theory,” Sept. 2016. (Open Access)

A. R. Chiriyath, B. Paul, G. M. Jacyna, and D. W. Bliss, “Inner bounds on performance of radar and communications co-existence,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Jan. 2016. (Open Access)