Employment Assistance & Social Engagement

EASE is a free program that is available to incoming undergraduate students in the Fulton Schools of Engineering (FSE).

Eligible students have an autism spectrum disorder diagnosis and register through SAILS (Student Accessibility and Inclusive Learning Services).  The EASE program begins with peer mentoring to assist with the transition to college life. As the student progresses through the FSE degree program, the EASE program will transition to focus on career readiness skills. To apply to the program, please email us.


Universidad Estatal de Arizona ofrece nuevos recursos para estudiantes en el espectro autista

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2020 Catalyst Award Nominee

Diversity and Inclusion Initiative


In January 2019, the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering launched a new initiative focusing on diversity and inclusion — core values to the Fulton Schools and ASU, as exemplified in the university charter. This initiative is called DII@FSE.

Our DII@FSE task force has articulated a vision to follow strategies and practices that support environments where individuals feel included, valued and respected and where different kinds of people can succeed.

The DII@FSE has submitted a proposal to the American Society for Engineering Education’s (ASEE) Diversity Recognition Program. That proposal was awarded bronze status (the highest entry status a university can be awarded).  Next steps for the initiative will be working together to realize the plan’s goals.