New York Times interview/feature in reference to rattlesnake drinking
Dr. Rykaczewski and Dr. Schuett were interviewed in NYT in reference to 2019 rattlesnake drinking paper:
Dr. Rykaczewski and Dr. Schuett were interviewed in NYT in reference to 2019 rattlesnake drinking paper:
collaborative paper “Impact of tent shade on heat exposures and simulated heat strain for people experiencing homelessness” by Karanja et al. was published in International Journal of Biometeorology
Collaborative paper with Prof. Jennifer Vanos on “Impact of Reflective Roadways on Simulated Heat Strain at the Tokyo, Paris and Los Angeles Olympics” was published in Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise
Three master projects, year of postdoc and multiple other researcher’s efforts and 10+ lbs of sweat (including PIs) later, we have our first paper on microscale sweat evaporation published in iScience: Simultaneous imaging of multi-pore […]
Our work with ANDI, MaRTy, and cost-effective cylindrical biometeorological sensors was features by ASU, CBS, Yahoo.
two stories about sweating thermal manikins and Thermetrics featured our work with outdoor ANDI including Wired Magazine and NPR/KUOW soundside
A simple three-cylinder radiometer and low-speed anemometer to characterize human extreme heat exposure by K. Rykaczewski and team was published in IJB. This is the first outcome of lots of field work in extreme heat […]
“Printable Liquid Metal Foams That Grow When Watered” collaborative paper with Prof. Michael Dickey’s group at NCSU was published Advanced Materials
Collaborative paper “Thermal modulation of skin friction at the finger pad” with Prof. Filingeri from University of Southampton accepted for publication in Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials
Impact of Human Body Shape on Convection Heat Transfer accepted for publication in International Journal of Biometeorology