- Shri’s paper “Impact of human body shape on free convection” published in PLoS ONE“Impact of human body shape on free convection” by Shri et al. was published in PLoS ONE
- CARla paper published in International Journal of Biometeorology“Advanced human heat exposure sensing using two cylinder anemometer and radiometer: introducing CARla” was published In IJB
- New York Times interview/feature in reference to rattlesnake drinkingDr. Rykaczewski and Dr. Schuett were interviewed in NYT in reference to 2019 rattlesnake drinking paper: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6d3LC2ucHfg
- Ankit’s “Comparative Analysis of Thermoregulation Models to Assess Heat Strain in Moderate to Extreme Heat” published in Journal of Thermal Biology“Comparative Analysis of Thermoregulation Models to Assess Heat Strain in Moderate to Extreme Heat” published in Journal of Thermal Biology
- We presented at APS DFD 2024 in UtahEmily, Shri, and Cibin made their debut at the Division of Fluid Dynamics conference in Utah
- Defenses, new jobs, and visiting researchersCongrats to Lyle for defending his Master thesis, Shreyas for defending his PhD thesis, and Kami for getting a great job. We also had pleasure of hosting Dr. Sylwester Wereski from Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in… Read more: Defenses, new jobs, and visiting researchers
- “Impact of Rheology on Formation of Oil-in-Liquid Metal Emulsions” by Shreyas et al. published in Soft MatterShreyas last paper “Impact of Rheology on Formation of Oil-in-Liquid Metal Emulsions” was published in Soft Matter
- “Impact of tent shade on heat exposures and simulated heat strain for people experiencing homelessness” publishedcollaborative paper “Impact of tent shade on heat exposures and simulated heat strain for people experiencing homelessness” by Karanja et al. was published in International Journal of Biometeorology
- new AZ PBS interview and ASU News article on our extreme heat related workProf. Rykaczewski and Vanos were interviewed on Arizona Horizons show and their groups’ work was featured in ASU News article
- Shreyas paper “Particle-assisted Formation of Oil-in-Liquid Metal Emulsions” published Journal of Physics“Particle-assisted Formation of Oil-in-Liquid Metal Emulsions” by Shreyas et al. was published in Journal of Physics D: Condensed Matter
- Collaborative paper “Impact of Reflective Roadways on Simulated Heat Strain at the Tokyo, Paris and Los Angeles OlympicsCollaborative paper” publishedCollaborative paper with Prof. Jennifer Vanos on “Impact of Reflective Roadways on Simulated Heat Strain at the Tokyo, Paris and Los Angeles Olympics” was published in Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise
- Our first paper on microscale fundamentals of sweat evaporation was published in iScience and highlighted in newsThree master projects, year of postdoc and multiple other researcher’s efforts and 10+ lbs of sweat (including PIs) later, we have our first paper on microscale sweat evaporation published in iScience: Simultaneous imaging of multi-pore… Read more: Our first paper on microscale fundamentals of sweat evaporation was published in iScience and highlighted in news
- our research on measuring human extreme heat exposure featured in mediaOur work with ANDI, MaRTy, and cost-effective cylindrical biometeorological sensors was features by ASU, CBS, Yahoo.
- article on ANDI in ASU Global Future Lab’s FuturecastAlthough ANDI was not available to provide comments, the article about his work in the hot outdoors is great: https://issuu.com/asuoked/docs/gfl_2024_future_cast_vol6 (pg.6)
- graduations and new jobsCongrats to Cibin and Mahima on defending their theses and Ankush on new position as assistant professor at Indian Institute of Technology
- our work with outdoor ANDI was featured in articles about sweating thermal manikins in Wired Magazine and NPR/KUOWtwo stories about sweating thermal manikins and Thermetrics featured our work with outdoor ANDI including Wired Magazine and NPR/KUOW soundside
- Paper on using outdoor ANDI to measure human radiation and convection exposure to extreme heat publishedCharacterization of human extreme heat exposure using an outdoor thermal manikin by Ankit Joshi et al. published in Science of the Total Environment
- “Simple 3-cylinder radiometer and low-speed anemometer to characterized human extreme heat exposure” published in International Journal of BiometeorologyA simple three-cylinder radiometer and low-speed anemometer to characterize human extreme heat exposure by K. Rykaczewski and team was published in IJB. This is the first outcome of lots of field work in extreme heat… Read more: “Simple 3-cylinder radiometer and low-speed anemometer to characterized human extreme heat exposure” published in International Journal of Biometeorology
- Collaborative paper with NCSU on Liquid Metal foams published in Advanced Materials“Printable Liquid Metal Foams That Grow When Watered” collaborative paper with Prof. Michael Dickey’s group at NCSU was published Advanced Materials
- Paper on thermal properties of exosuits quantified using ANDI publishedEvaluation of Thermal Properties and Thermoregulatory Impacts of Lower Back Exosuit using Thermal Manikin by Ankit Joshi et al. was published in International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics
- Collaborative paper with University of Southampton on thermal modulation of skin frication accepted for publicationCollaborative paper “Thermal modulation of skin friction at the finger pad” with Prof. Filingeri from University of Southampton accepted for publication in Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials
- goodbye old ANDI, welcome new ANDIappropriate ackowledgement of ANDI exchange (bit delayed): https://twitter.com/ASU/status/1665810774122430466?s=20
- Our new lab member ASU ANDI and our work on extreme heat impacts on humans is featured widely in mediaANDI and our group along with Profs. Vanos and Middel’s research on extreme heat impacts on humans is featured by ASU Now, Here and Now on NPR, Arizona Horizons on AZ PBS, KJZZ/NPR, AZ Republic,… Read more: Our new lab member ASU ANDI and our work on extreme heat impacts on humans is featured widely in media
- We are presenting at the International Congress of Biometeorology in far away Tempe AZShri, Lyle, Daniel, Sai, and Ankit are attending ICB
- Shreya’s paper on Liquid Metal Foams accepted for publicationShreya’s s Fabrication of Multiphase Liquid Metal Composites Containing Gas and Solid Fillers: from Pastes to Foams was accepted for publication in ACS Applied Engineering Materials
- welcomes and graduations!We welcome new postdoctoral scholars Kambiz Sadeghi and Ankush Jaiswal and congratulate Sai, Rajesh, and Vinay on completing their MS projects and Daniel and Lyle on completing their FURI projects and UG degrees! Also congrats… Read more: welcomes and graduations!
- Shri’s paper on impact of human body shape on forced convection heat transfer accepted for publication in International Journal of BiometeorologyImpact of Human Body Shape on Convection Heat Transfer accepted for publication in International Journal of Biometeorology
- congrats to Najam on completion of his doctoral degree and lecturer job at University of Engineering and Technology in Taxila
- Welcome Dr. Ankit Joshi (the postdoctoral researcher) and ANDI (the thermal manikin)
- Aastha’s paper on Compression-Activated Elastomeric Composites with Liquid and Solid Metal fillers accepted for publication in Advanced Materials Interfaces“Pre-curing matrix Viscosity Controls Thermal Conductivity of Elastomeric Composites with Compression-activated Liquid and Solid Metallic Fillers Networks” was accepted for publication in Advanced Materials Interfaces
- our new collaborative NSF funding on human thermal exposure from sweat gland to human body scale featured in article by ASUWe were featured in Heat is On
- Najam’s paper on Oil-in-Liquid Metal Emulsions published in LangmuirMechanism of Oil-in-Liquid Metal Emulsion formation paper published in Langmuir
- Congrats to Aastha and Najam on defending their doctoral dissertations! and welcome to new studentsand welcome to new MS students Mahima, Ajay, Rajesh, Aditya, and Vinay
- Prof. Rykaczewski participates in KQED San Francisco radio show on clothing for warming climateProf. Rykaczewski participates in Forum show special “how are you dressing for a warning climate?”
- Human Body Radiation Area Factors for Diverse Adult Population accepted for publication in International Journal of BiometeorologyHuman Body Radiation Area Factors for Diverse Adult Population by Rykaczewski, K.,* Bartels, L., Martinez, D., and Viswanathan, S accepted for publication in International Journal of Biometeorology
- NSF LEAP-HI project on extreme heat research fundedLEAP-HI: Dynamic Sensing and Computational Approaches to Assess Individual-level Heat Risk Across Diverse Populations co-led with Prof. Jenni Vanos and Prof. Ari Middel was awarded!
- Priority Review on thermophysiological aspects of exoskeletons accepted for publication in TemperatureThermophysiological aspects of wearable robotics: Challenges and opportunities (Priority Review) by K. Rykaczewski accepted for publication in Temperature
- Paper published in Journal of Thermal BiologyAnalysis of Thermocouple-based Finger Contact Temperature Measurements by K. Rykaczewski and T. Dhanote published in Journal of Thermal Biology
- NSF project on microscale fundamentals of sweat evaporation fundedNew project focused on multi-mode imaging and theoretical exploration of human sweat evaporation was funded by NSF
- We were featured in American Innovators special on extreme heat in PhoenixAmong many other ASU researchers we were featured in American Innovators How America’s Hottest City is Handling the Heat
- Congrats to Tom and Nathan for completing their masters projects
- Our collaborative paper on anisotropic radiation source modeling for computational thermal manikin simulations published in Building and EnvironmentAnisotropic radiation source models for computational thermal manikin simulations based on common radiation field measurements by K. Rykaczewski, J. Vanos, and A. Middel was published in Building and Environment
- Our work is featured in “Science behind the suits of Dune” articleK. Rykaczewski interviewed about the science behind still suits in the “Dune” epic
- Soft Matter (inside) cover by Wilson published!our art made it on the cover
- Aastha’s paper accepted for publication in ACS Applied Materials & Interfacesafter an epic review process, Aastha’s paper “Enhancing Thermal Transport in Silicone Composites via Bridging Liquid Metal Fillers with Reactive Metal Co-Fillers and Matrix Viscosity Tuning” was accepted for publication in ACS AM&I!
- Our rattlesnake drinking project featured by National Geographic Magazine and KNAU radio stationOur rattlesnake drinking paper was featured in a National Geographic Magazine story about animal drinking strategies and Flagstaff KNAU radio statio.
- Najam’s paper “Gallium Oxide-Stabilized Oil in Liquid Metal Emulsions” paper published in Soft MatterGallium Oxide-Stabilized Oil in Liquid Metal Emulsions paper was published in Soft Matter
- NSF MRI proposal for acquisition of a custom thermal manikin awardedNSF MRI proposal for acquisition of a custom thermal manikin for studying human thermal exposure and safety in hot climates led by Prof. Rykaczewski, Vanos, Middel, Sailor, and Kavouras was awarded. ASU ANDI is coming… Read more: NSF MRI proposal for acquisition of a custom thermal manikin awarded
- Congrats to Wilson for his PhD defense and acceptance of his paper to Advanced Materials InterfacesCongrats to Wilson on defending his PhD thesis, NRC postdoctoral fellowship at AFRL, and acceptance of his paper High Thermal Conductivity in Multiphase Liquid Metal and Silicon Carbide Soft Composites to Advanced Materials Interfaces!
- New collaborative paper on estimating mean radiating temperature in hot and sunny climates published in International Journal of BiometeorologyPaper by Jennifer Vanos, Konrad Rykaczewski, et al. Improved methods for estimating mean radiant temperature in hot and sunny outdoor settings was published in International Journal of Biometeorology
- Our work on cooling clothing featured on Fox Newsour work on cooling clothing was featured on local Fox News
- Paper on Fundamentals of Soft Thermofluidic System Design published in Soft MatterPraveen’s “Fundamentals of Soft Thermofluidic System Design” published in Soft Matter
- Rattlesnake drinking work featured as one of the journal’s 50 outstanding papers from last 5 yearsIn special virtual issue celebrating ACS Omega’s first five years
- Congrats to Praveen and Chad on their doctoral defenses
- Paper on breathable self-sealing hazmat suits published in IECRChad’s paper Breathable, Stimuli-Responsive, and Self-Sealing Chemical Barrier Material based on Selectively Superabsorbing Polymer is published in I&ECR
- Sun and wind shaded evaporative cooling vest work highlighted by ASU Now, KTAR radiostationOur paper on design of sun and wind shaded evaporative cooling vests was highlighted by ASU Now, Fiber2Fashion, AZBigMedia, KTAR radiostation
- Invited paper on liquid metal foam published in Soft Matter“Oxide-mediated mechanisms of gallium foam generation and stabilization during shear mixing in air” by Wilson Kong, Najam Shah and others ASU as well as collaborators from Michael Dickey’s group from NCSU published in Soft Matter
- Paper on sun and wind shaded evaporative cooling vests published in Applied Thermal Engineering“Rational design of sun and wind shaded evaporative cooling vests for enhanced personal cooling in hot and dry climates” by Konrad Rykaczewski published in Applied Thermal Engineering
- Rattlesnake rain harvesting work widely highlighted1/2020: Our rattlesnake rain harvesting work highlighted by American Chemical Society , Phys.org, Quirks & Quarks show on Canadian Broadcasting Corporation radio , EurekAlert, Inside Science (AIP) , Scitechdaily, KopalniaWiedzy.pl (in Polish), Fox News Tampa, and Science Daily
- Aastha Uppal published in ACS Applied Materials12/2019: Pressure-Activated Thermal Transport via Oxide Shell Rupture in Liquid Metal Capsule Beds by Aastha Uppal et al. published in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces
- Akshay Phadnis published in ACS Omega12/2019: The Role of Scale Wettability on Rain-Harvesting Behavior in a Desert-dwelling Rattlesnake by Akshay Phadnis et al. published in ACS Omega
- Wilson Kong published in Advanced Materials9/2019: Oxide-Mediated Formation of Chemically Stable Tungsten-Liquid Metal Mixtures for Enhanced Thermal Interface Materials by Wilson Kong et al. published in Advanced Materials
- 3TV/CBS 5 feature6/2019: 3TV/CBS 5 features our recent work on “cool fashion for hot planet”
- Saurabh defends MS thesis6/2019: Congrats to Saurabh on defending his MS thesis!
- Akshay Phadnis defends PhD thesis5/2019: Congrats to Dr. Akshay Phadnis on defending his PhD thesis!
- Cool Fashion for a Hot Planet4/2019: ASU Now features article on our recent work on “cool fashion for hot planet”
- Publication in Advanced Materials Technologies3/2019: Rational Design of Soft, Thermally Conductive Composite Liquid‐Cooled Tubes for Enhanced Personal, Robotics, and Wearable Electronics Cooling by Praveen Kotagama, Akshay Phadnis, Chad Manning, and Konrad Rykaczewski published in Advanced Materials Technologies
- Congrats to Dr. Matt Ralphs2/2019: Congrats to Dr. Matt Ralphs on defending his PhD thesis!
- Cool Future Fashion1/2019: invited editorial Cool Future Fashion: Personal Cooling as Part of Social Adaptation to Hotter Climate by Konrad Rykaczewski accepted for publication in Temperature
- Past NewsPast news from the Rykaczewski lab from 2013-2018.
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