collaborative paper “Impact of tent shade on heat exposures and simulated heat strain for people experiencing homelessness” by Karanja et al. was published in International Journal of Biometeorology
Collaborative paper with Prof. Jennifer Vanos on “Impact of Reflective Roadways on Simulated Heat Strain at the Tokyo, Paris and Los Angeles Olympics” was published in Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise
Collaborative paper “Thermal modulation of skin friction at the finger pad” with Prof. Filingeri from University of Southampton accepted for publication in Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials
“Pre-curing matrix Viscosity Controls Thermal Conductivity of Elastomeric Composites with Compression-activated Liquid and Solid Metallic Fillers Networks” was accepted for publication in Advanced Materials Interfaces
Human Body Radiation Area Factors for Diverse Adult Population by Rykaczewski, K.,* Bartels, L., Martinez, D., and Viswanathan, S accepted for publication in International Journal of Biometeorology
Thermophysiological aspects of wearable robotics: Challenges and opportunities (Priority Review) by K. Rykaczewski accepted for publication in Temperature
Anisotropic radiation source models for computational thermal manikin simulations based on common radiation field measurements by K. Rykaczewski, J. Vanos, and A. Middel was published in Building and Environment
after an epic review process, Aastha’s paper “Enhancing Thermal Transport in Silicone Composites via Bridging Liquid Metal Fillers with Reactive Metal Co-Fillers and Matrix Viscosity Tuning” was accepted for publication in ACS AM&I!
Congrats to Wilson on defending his PhD thesis, NRC postdoctoral fellowship at AFRL, and acceptance of his paper High Thermal Conductivity in Multiphase Liquid Metal and Silicon Carbide Soft Composites to Advanced Materials Interfaces!
Paper by Jennifer Vanos, Konrad Rykaczewski, et al. Improved methods for estimating mean radiant temperature in hot and sunny outdoor settings was published in International Journal of Biometeorology
1/2020: Our rattlesnake rain harvesting work highlighted by American Chemical Society ,, Quirks & Quarks show on Canadian Broadcasting Corporation radio , EurekAlert, Inside Science (AIP) , Scitechdaily, (in Polish), Fox News Tampa, and Science Daily
12/2019: Pressure-Activated Thermal Transport via Oxide Shell Rupture in Liquid Metal Capsule Beds by Aastha Uppal et al. published in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces
9/2019: Oxide-Mediated Formation of Chemically Stable Tungsten-Liquid Metal Mixtures for Enhanced Thermal Interface Materials by Wilson Kong et al. published in Advanced Materials
3/2019: Rational Design of Soft, Thermally Conductive Composite Liquid‐Cooled Tubes for Enhanced Personal, Robotics, and Wearable Electronics Cooling by Praveen Kotagama, Akshay Phadnis, Chad Manning, and Konrad Rykaczewski published in Advanced Materials Technologies
1/2019: invited editorial Cool Future Fashion: Personal Cooling as Part of Social Adaptation to Hotter Climate by Konrad Rykaczewski accepted for publication in Temperature