New adjunct faculty
Example hero paragraph text.
What is the role of adjunct faculty?
Adjunct faculty appointments are unpaid, usually part-time positions for limited (not more than one-year) renewable terms.
Adjunct faculty are not part of the Academic Assembly. The appointments are made by deans to individual academic units or to such units as interdisciplinary degree or certification programs.
Appointments are made in order to facilitate the adjunct faculty member’s professional association with the university for the benefit of the individual and the university in such roles as supervising clinical practice students, assisting with research efforts, and occasionally teaching.
Process for requesting a new Adjunct Faculty appointment for non-ASU employee
Action 1 Unit admin requests CV and sends the following forms to the Adjunct Faculty candidate for completion:
- Adjunct Request Form
- MD Agreement (if applicable): MD release form
- Volunteer Form: Volunteer Registration Form
Action 2 Unit admin requests justification from the faculty member who will sponsor the adjunct faculty candidate which summarizes the expertise of the candidate and outlines the mutual benefit between the candidate and the university that the appointment will provide.
Action 3 Unit admin confirms Director support of adjunct faculty appointment. Unit admin drafts appointment letter to send to candidate for signature outlining the mutual benefit between the individual, university, and faculty sponsor: New Adjunct template ENGR FY2024-2025.
Action 4 Unit admin creates request within the Affiliate Management System in CS PeopleSoft by following these steps: Adjuncts\Originate an adjunct – new to A.
Documents you will need are as follows:
- Appointment letter (signed by candidate and Director)
- Copy of adjunct’s most current CV
- MD Agreement (if applicable): MD release form
Action 5 Approval process: Approve Adjunct Faculty Record
- Unit Originator (responsible for data checking/uploading appropriate documents/checking for accuracy)
- Unit Approver (responsible for conceptualizing appropriateness of appointment/benefit to ASU/FSE/Unit)
- Dean’s Office
- Provost (Provost approval comes directly from the Academic Personnel System.)
Action 6 Unit admin notifies the adjunct faculty candidate of the approval along with the signed appointment letter once Provost approval is received.
Action 7 Unit admin creates a role within Career Edge for the adjunct faculty which enables training to be completed by the adjunct faculty: Creating EDGE Security Role
After confirmation that the NADJ role has been assigned and is active, communicate with your adjuncts the following:
- Email from PSNomail assigning the ASU Career Edge security role
- Must accept the role before they can access training system
After communication has occurred, assign the ASU Career Edge Security Role:
- Log in to PeopleSoft HR
- Navigate to ASU PeopleSoft Security Request
- Search for the Adjunct utilizing ASURITE ID
- Confirm the individual is correct, and complete the ‘Purpose’ and ‘Supervisor ID’
- Assign the ‘ASU Career Edge User’ security role