SlideTray© Videos

Overview of the SlideTray© Program: Learn how to install the program, look for user manual, and get an overview of the program features.
Click here for the video

Using the Calculator & Grapher: Learn how to (a) use the basic features in the Calculator and (b) how to graph functions using the Grapher.
Click here for the video

Using the Matrix ToolBox: Learn how to use the matrix toolbox to carry out matrix operations such as solving linear, algebraic equations Ax=b.
Click here for the video

Converting Units and Using the Handbook: Learn how to (a) convert quantities between SI and US Customary Units, and (b) use the electronic handbook to access AISC cross-sectional shapes and their properties, properties of commonly used structural materials, and ACI rebar properties.
Click here for the video

Coming soon ….

Advanced Features: Defining, saving and loading symbols, numerical integration and differentiation, roots of polynomials and functions, vector operations, matrix operations.

Productivity Tools: Using Calendar, Contacts, Password Keeper, Stop Watch and Document Management System.