Sabbatical leave applications
Academic Affairs Manual (ACD) policies governing sabbatical leave: ACD705
Office of the University Provost Process Guide for Sabbatical Leave
Sabbatical application requirements
The applicant will submit to the academic unit director a sabbatical application, a curriculum vitae, and any supporting data the academic unit or college requires:
- Sabbatical Application
- Curriculum Vitae
- Proposed Sabbatical Project (no more than 2-pages)
- Evaluation Letter(s) (if required by unit procedures)
- Resource Support Letter(s) (if required by unit procedures)
- Unit Director Letter
For candidates proposing to use sponsored funding for compensation on the Application for Sabbatical Leave form, a comment shall be included in the director’s letter confirming that the research advancement staff of the unit has met with the candidate to discuss availability and appropriateness of use of those funds. - Personnel Committee Letter (if required by unit procedures)
It is the responsibility of the applicant to notify of their leave the funding agencies that require it.
Evaluation of sabbatical applications
Engineering conducts evaluation of sabbatical proposals according to college procedures. The application will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
- value to the teaching program of the unit
- enhancement of the applicant’s effectiveness as a researcher and as an educator
- value to the reputation of the institution
- contribution to knowledge
- provision of outstanding public or professional service at a local or national level.
Internal letters should explicitly address but not be limited to the following:
- the application is judged worthwhile
- there is a high probability that the applicant will succeed as proposed
- the department’s program of teaching and advisement will be maintained during the applicant’s absence. (College level letter does not address this)