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Fulton Schools

M360 Faculty Mentorship

M360 Faculty Mentorship program

Mentorship 360 (M360) is the Fulton Schools of Engineering’s faculty mentorship program. Initially launched with support from the Kern Family Foundation, M360 is rooted in evidence-based practices and tailored to meet the unique needs of each unit within the Fulton Schools.

The goal of the Fulton Schools faculty mentorship program is to provide Fulton Schools faculty with career and psychosocial support that will positively impact their productivity, well-being and sense of belonging.

What is mentorship?

We adopt the definition of mentorship from the 2019 National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine report1 in which mentorship is conceptualized as is “a professional, working alliance in which individuals work together over time to support the personal and professional growth, development, and success of the relational partners through the provision of career and psychosocial support.”

Additionally, since mentorship is, by our definition, interpersonal, the social identities of mentees and mentors (e.g., racial identity, gender identity, immigrant identity) will influence the nature of the mentoring relationship. M360 advocates and provides related training to support the implementation of culturally responsive mentorship practices.  A culturally responsive mentor is aware of their own culturally shaped beliefs, perceptions, and expectations, cognizant of and honoring of differences and similarities in these attributes between themselves and their mentee, and understanding of and responsive to related power dynamics.

Benefits of M360 mentorship

Mentorship offers numerous benefits for mentees, mentors, academic units and institutions:

Advances equity

Mentorship is one of many necessary ways to address this broad, complex problem.

Improves well-being

Effective mentorship supports positive mental health, improves career satisfaction and lessens the impact of institutional barriers.

Increases productivity

Mentorship is linked to higher productivity and increases the likelihood of remaining on a chosen career path.

Additional benefits to mentorship participants

  • Personal growth and development from exposure to diverse perspectives
  • Access to formal and informal networks
  • New professional connections
  • Feedback on ideas, papers, and proposals
  • Support for teaching and learning
  • Promotion and tenure guidance and support
  • Personal support throughout your career
  • Identification of role models
  • Exposure to funding opportunities and collaborators
  • Improved interpersonal skills and relationships

Make contact at your school

For more information on M360 and how to participate in faculty mentorship programming at your school, either as a mentor or a mentee, please contact your school’s designated M360 Fulton Fellows.

Join a workshop

Boost your mentoring skills and your career by joining a Fulton Schools M360 Faculty Mentorship workshop.

Express your interest

Complete a form to express interest in M360 workshops, becoming a mentor, or becoming a mentee. We’ll contact you with the information you need.


M360 Co-Directors

Portrait of Jennifer Bekki

Jennifer Bekki

Associate Professor

Engineering, The Polytechnic School

[email protected]
Portrait of Samantha Brunhaver

Samantha Brunhaver

Associate Professor

Engineering, The Polytechnic School

[email protected]
Portrait of Julianne Holloway

Julianne Holloway

Associate Professor

School for Engineering of Matter, Transport and Energy

[email protected]