Environmental faculty
Keeping the environment and you healthy
Faculty are sought out for their expertise in water quality issues, drinking water treatment, water reuse, biological treatment, salinity/brine disposal, public health engineering, sustainable cities, urban water cycle, green chemistry and engineering, urban metabolism and exposure assessment, risk assessment, decision analysis, environmental microbiology, modeling and data analysis, bio-degradation of toxic compounds, intestinal microbial ecology-obesity, intestinal microbial ecology-autism, bio-energy and bio-prospecting/microbial metabolic exploration and analytical chemistry in environmental engineering.
Researchers are known for their work in environmental geochemistry, the food, water and energy nexus, biochemical pathway discovery, large-scale algae cultivation, algae-based wastewater treatment systems, algal strain characterization, environmental biotechnology, biofilms, resource recovery, modeling, microbial ecology, electrochemical water treatment, adsorption and in-situ electro-regeneration; statistical modeling, nanotechnology, impacts to groundwater resources from leaking underground storage tanks, oxygen injection technologies for in-situ permeable reactive barriers, antibiotic and metal resistance in bacteria, environmental endocrine disruption, wastewater epidemiology, and solid waste management.
Research specialties include soil and groundwater microbial processes, microbial chain elongation, bioremediation of halogenated compounds, petroleum hydrocarbons and heavy metals, conversion of biomass to biochemicals, microbial kinetics and bioreactors for environmental biotechnology.
Morteza Abbaszadegan
School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment
Abbaszadegan’s work focuses on contemporary water quality issues concerning health-related water microbiology. He is director of the WET Center at ASU and a professor of environmental microbiology and engineering.
Absar Alum
Research Assistant Professor
School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment
Alum’s areas of expertise include health related environmental microbiology, microbial pathogen survival and detection and endocrine disrupting chemicals in water.
Jirapat Ananpattarachai
Research Assistant Professor
School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment
Jirapat Ananpattarachai is an assistant research professor in the School of Sustainable Engineering and Built Environment (SSEBE) at Arizona State University. She received her bachelor’s degree in Environmental Engineering from the King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, (Thailand), followed by a master’s degree in Environmental Management from the Chulalongkorn University (Thailand). She received her doctorate in Environmental Engineering from King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (Thailand). After completing her doctorate, she works as a lecturer in the Environmental Engineer’s program at the Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Naresuan University, Thailand, before joining ASU in Oct 2021. Previously, her…
Mackenzie Boyer
Assistant Teaching Professor
School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment
Boyer’s research interests include Water Conservation.
Treavor Boyer
School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment
Boyer’s research focuses on drinking water and wastewater treatment, urine source separation, nutrient management and resource recovery. Undergraduate/Graduate Program Chair for Environmental Engineering.
Otakuye Conroy-Ben
Associate Professor
School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment
Conroy-Ben’s research focuses on the biological effects of polluted water. Her research interests include environmental endocrine disruption, metal and antibiotic resistance in bacteria and wastewater epidemiology.
Paul Dahlen
Research Assistant Professor
School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment
Dahlen’s research involves the assessment and remediation of hydrocarbon impacts to soil, groundwater and indoor air quality as well as oxygen injection technologies for in-situ permeable reactive barriers
Anca Delgado
Associate Professor
School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment
Delgado’s research focuses on natural and synthetic microbiomes for treatment of contaminants and production of high-value biochemicals.
Gamze Ersan
Research Assistant Professor
School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment
Ersan’s research interests include adsorption and in-situ electro-regeneration, statistical modeling and nanotechnology.
Peter Fox
School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment
Fox has focused his work on natural treatment systems and water reuse for the last 12 years. His expertise is in water reuse biological treatment and salinity and brine disposal
Sergio Garcia Segura
Assistant Professor
School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment
Garcia-Segura’s expertise includes electrochemical water treatment.
Rolf Halden
School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment
Halden’s research interests are public health engineering, sustainable cities, urban water cycle, green chemistry and engineering, urban metabolism and exposure assessment.
Kerry Hamilton
Associate Professor
School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment
Hamilton’s research focuses on risk assessment, decision analysis, environmental microbiology, and modeling and data analysis.
Rosa Krajmalnik-Brown
Center Director and Professor
Biodesign Center for Health Through Microbiomes
Krajmalnik-Brown’s research focuses on bio-degradation of toxic compounds, intestinal microbial ecology-obesity, intestinal microbial ecology-autism, bio-energy, and bio-prospecting/microbial metabolic exploration.
Peter Lammers
Research Professor Multi-Year
School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment
Lammers’ expertise includes plant physiology, biochemistry and wastewater treatment.
Matthew Landsman
Assistant Professor
School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment
Landsman’s expertise is in water quality, chemistry, polymer membranes, reverse osmosis, nanofiltration, ultrafiltration, physical and chemical treatment proceses.
Francois Perreault
School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment
Perrault uses an interdisciplinary approach, combining microbiology, chemistry, and nanotechnology, to address critical issues related to water quality and water treatment.
Bruce Rittmann
Regents’ Professor
Biodesign Swette Center for Environmental Biotechnology
Rittmann is director of the Biodesign Swette Center for Environmental Biotechnology. He is an international leader in the use of microbial communities to provide services to society.
Shahnawaz Sinha
Associate Research Professor
School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment
Sinha’s primary area of research is in the area of drinking water, water treatment plant optimization, water quality research, pilot-scale studies, seawater and brackish water desalination and industrial water treatment.
Tiezheng Tong
Associate Professor
School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment
Tong’s research focuses on desalination and water purification. He has received numerous awards, including the 2022 National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) Award.
Paul Westerhoff
Regents’ Professor
School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment
Westerhoff’s research focuses on environmental geochemistry; food, water, and energy nexus; drinking water treatment and water quality.