Faculty governance
ASU and Fulton Schools committees and other governance information
ASU is a large academic institution that is ultimately governed by the Arizona Board of Regents. Learn more below about the ASU and Fulton Schools faculty governance.
Engineering Bylaws
The Engineering Bylaws govern the operation of the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering at ASU.
Any updates to the bylaws take place through the activities of the Fulton Schools Faculty Assembly.
Assembly of the Fulton Schools of Engineering (AFSE)
The AFSE consists of all faculty who hold a tenured or tenure-track position in the Fulton Schools.
The Executive Committee provides guidance to the dean and feedback to the faculty on governance.
University Senate
The University Senate is the representative body of the Arizona State University Academic Assembly.
All tenured and tenure-eligible faculty, academic professionals, and full-time contract faculty are members.
Fulton Schools committees and councils
Members of ASU and Fulton Schools committees and councils serve the college and university in an advisory, process-making, or hearing role for the continued innovation and progression of the institution.
Learn more about the responsibilities of the Fulton Schools committees and view membership of each in the toggles below.
Considering serving on a committee? Know that an appointment ends on August 15. Inquiries concerning this roster may be directed to [email protected].
Shall assist School Directors in matters involving development of research initiatives, research portfolios, identify equipment needs and development of quad charts for centers. Shall interface with FSE Deans Office in identifying and prioritizing research initiatives, serve on university reviews, evaluate emerging centers, understand and help allocate research support and identify faculty expertise across the Schools. Shall interface with OKED on Limited Submission reviews. Shall build Capacity of faculty who understand the research enterprise in FSE/ASU. The committee shall consist of one tenured, or tenure-track, faculty member from each school within the FSE.
Paulo Shakarian
Sarah Stabenfelt
Seth Tongay
Umberto Celano
Matt Frasier
Wenlong Zhang
Chair: Zachary Holman
Contact: Stacy Esposito [email protected]
Shall advise the Dean in personnel matters involving promotions, tenure and retention of faculty. The Council shall consist of two tenured faculty representatives from each School within the FSE. The members of the Council are either directly elected by the faculty of their School, or appointed by an elected body, such as the unit’s Personnel Committee. At least one representative of each School should hold the rank of full professor. Alternatively, at least seven members of the Council must hold the rank of full professor. Only a full professor may serve as chair. A member shall not vote on personnel matters involving a member of her/his academic unit. Only full professors may vote on cases of promotion to the rank of full professor. Chairs/Associate Directors/Directors and Assistant/Associate/Vice Deans are not eligible for membership on this council.
Christopher Buneo
Thurmon Lockhart
Dragica Vasileska
Andreas Spanias
Xiangyang Dong
Wenlong Zhang (Fall 2024)
Chao Ma (Spring 2025)
Morteza Abbaszadegan
Kenn Sullivan
Sandeep Gupta
Andrea Richa
Yinong Chen (Spring 2025)
Ajay Bansal (Spring 2025)
Daniel Rivera
Jagannathan Rajagopalan
Abdel Mayyas
Changho Nam (Fall 2024)
Contact: Maggie Olson [email protected]
The Dean’s Academic Professional Advisory Council shall advise the Dean on personnel matters involving promotions, continuing status, and retention of academic professionals (as defined in ACD 505-03). A member shall not vote on personnel matters involving a member of the unit in which she/he is employed. The Council shall consist of three academic professionals elected by the academic professionals of the Fulton Schools of Engineering. The council only is convened when a need arises.
The council only is convened when a need arises.
Contact: Maggie Olson [email protected]
The Inclusive Excellence Faculty Advisory Council (IFAC) shall provide advice and recommendation to the dean on how to integrate diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging awareness efforts and initiatives, form actionable plans, track and communicate progress, and ensure accountability of individual schools on inclusive excellence practices. The role of the IFAC is to effectively build a strong strategy that reflects the AFSE’s commitment to advancing, cultivating, and preserving an equitable culture of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. The Council shall consist of one representative faculty from each school to advocate and manage a successful inclusive excellence process that is inclusive of all faculty.
Kristen Parrish
Rod Roscoe
Erica Forzani
Sarah Stabenfeldt
Antonia Papandreou-Suppappola
Robert Atkinson
Xiangfan Chen
The committee is charged with providing the FSE Dean’s Academic Integrity Office with academic integrity feedback. To serve as a pool of members in which panels will be developed in order to conduct student academic integrity hearing appeals. To serve as information conduits within their schools to disseminate and encourage academic integrity best practices.
Membership consists of 15 FSE faculty members appointed annually, for a one-year term, by the Dean’s office (or designee): Additionally, full-time ASU students, who have received an academic integrity policy orientation, will be appointed to serve alongside faculty members on academic integrity appeal hearing boards. Once oriented students may participate on this committee until graduation. Faculty members from the FSE Academic Standards Committee will serve as ex officio members.
The Academic Integrity Officer will coordinate with the Vice Dean to (re)appoint faculty members to this committee in August of each academic year. The Academic Integrity Officer will appoint student membership onto the committee.
Under this charge, if a suitable hearing panel cannot be assembled from the Academic Integrity Committee regular membership or from the ex officio membership the Dean’s office may develop academic integrity hearing appeal panels from any full-time student and any regular member of the FSE faculty assembly.
Alicia Baumann
Eric Bishop
Mackenzie Boyer
Christina Carrasquilla
Steve Cho
Tessa Etzioni
Soumya Indela
Srinivas Kosaraju
Christopher Lawrence
Ryan Meuth
Vijay Suthar
Faye Tayadon
Amy Trowbridge
Zihuang Wang
Chad Westover
Joshua Wilbur
Haolin Zhu
Contact: Karen Lund-Dennison [email protected]
Shall advise the Dean, and the Executive Committee, in matters concerning the enforcement and interpretation of the FSE academic standards as stated in the University catalogs and in FSE policies.The Committee will also recommend to the Dean and the Executive Committee policies and procedures related to scholarships, honors, internships and awards. The Committee shall consist of two faculty members from each of the Schools within the FSE. Faculty representatives must be members of the AFSE. The Dean’s designee for academic and student affairs shall serve as an member of the Committee.
Christopher Buneo
Shaopeng Wang
Mariana Bertoni
Michael Goryll
Xiangfan Chen
Ehsan Dehghan-Niri
Udaya Halabe
Barry Kutz
Rida Bazzi
Cheryl Jennings
Kang-Ping Chen
Sandwip Dey
Jason Bronowitz
Ayan Mallik
Contact: Karen Lund-Dennison [email protected]
The Curriculum Committee shall consider all proposals involving curricular changes or additions within the FSE, and make recommendations to the Dean and the Executive Committee regarding their disposition. General curricular proposals may originate with the Dean or with the faculty in a particular School within the FSE. Proposals involving a specific academic program must originate from within the faculty of that program. The Committee shall meet at least three times each semester, unless otherwise agreed upon by a majority of the committee members. Items referred to the Committee must be considered at its next scheduled meeting. The Committee membership shall consist of two faculty members from each of the Schools within the FSE, and a student representative selected by the ASASU senators of the FSE. The faculty representatives must be members of the AFSE and have at least 20% of their assigned duties allocated to teaching in each of the previous three years. The Dean’s designee for academic and student affairs and a representative of the Maricopa Community College District shall serve as ex officio members of the Committee.
Apollo Arquiza
Marco Santello
Jennifer Kitchen
Antonia Papandreou-Suppappola
Troy McDaniel
Dhruv Bhate
Giuseppe Mascaro
Richard Standage
Yoshi Kobayashi
Kevin Gary (Fall 2024)
Wonmo Kang
Ronald Calhoun
Asmaa Elbadrawy
Steve Cho
Abhirup Vijay Gunakar
Contact: Sergio Quiros [email protected]
Shall consider any matters relating to faculty development and the improvement of instruction, including teaching evaluation and selection of awardees for the teaching awards in the FSE. Their recommendations shall be reported to the Dean, the Executive Committee, and the AFSE. The Committee membership shall consist of one faculty member from each School within the FSE, and a student representative selected by the ASASU senators from the FSE. The faculty representatives must be members of the AFSE and have at least 20% of their assigned duties allocated to teaching in each of the previous three years.
Brent Vernon
James Aberle
Bruno Azeredo
Keith Hjelmstad
Ted Pavlic
Yang Jiao
Medha Dalal
Contact: Maggie Olson [email protected]
The Committee on Review shall assist faculty members and academic professionals in resolving differences over personnel matters· within the purview of the FSE, including performance evaluation. The Committee shall not consider appeals of recommendations made by the Dean’s Advisory Council but shall consider situations for which no regular channels for appeal exist, or after all normal appeal procedures within the FSE have been exhausted. The Committee shall use non-adversarial, factfinding procedures, and will report its findings and its recommendations to the Dean. The committee shall also consider policies and procedures relating to student organizations, safety, welfare, and rights. The Committee membership shall consist of one tenured faculty member from each of the Schools in the FSE and an academic professional selected by the Dean’s Academic Professional Advisory Council. If the Council is not in place at the time when a member is to be selected, then the academic professional representative will be elected by the academic professionals of the FSE through e-mail ballot conducted by the Secretary of the AFSE.
The council only is convened when a need arises.
Contact: Maggie Olson [email protected]
Reviews applications for sabbatical leave and makes recommendations to the Dean. The Committee shall consist of one faculty representative from each school within the FSE. The faculty representatives must be members of the AFSE.
Barbara Smith
Zhaoyang Fan
Mostafa Yourdkhani
Mike Mamlouk
Hessam Sarjoughian
Gokul Pathikonda
Shawn Jordan
Contact: Maggie Olson [email protected]
Shall provide advice and recommendations to the Dean, as representatives of the individual schools within FSE. The executive committee is part of the Fulton Schools Faculty Assembly.
Meet the executive committee members
Contact: Kelli Haren [email protected]
Facilitates the integration of new engineering faculty into ASU by fostering a culture of collaboration and community.
Learn more about NFAC
Contact: Kelli Kreger [email protected]
ASU Committees
In addition to Fulton Schools committees, there are ASU committees which serve the university in an advisory, policy-making, or hearing role for the continued advancement of the institution.
To learn more, see the full list of ASU committees on the Provost’s website.