Welcome to the Green Group! Our lab is a dynamic and dedicated community of researchers who are driven by a shared vision: to develop sustainable solutions that have a positive impact on our planet. We believe in the power of research and innovation to address pressing environmental challenges and create a more sustainable future for generations to come. With a diverse range of expertise in areas such as carbon capture, water filtration, polymer fundamentals, and sustainability, we are at the forefront of cutting-edge research. Our lab is a vibrant space where collaboration and creativity thrive, as we work together to push the boundaries of scientific knowledge.
We are located in Chemical Engineering within the School for Engineering of Matter, Transport, and Energy in the Fulton School of Engineering at Arizona State University.
Follow us on Twitter for updated news, openings, and opportunities.
Recent News
- Our review article on 2D coordination polymers is published in Applied Physics Review!
- Work from our collaboration with the Wang and Rykaczewski labs is published in Advanced Materials!
- Our collaborative proposal to test pervaporation membranes for brackish water desalination was funded by the USBR!
- New manuscript accepted in Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (I&ECR)
- New manuscript accepted in Water Research!
- Our FY2019 DURIP proposal was funded!
- Our collaborative proposal to develop a new direct air capture technology was funded by ARPA-E!!
- Alexis selected to participate in 2019 summer DAAD RISE program in Germany!
- Our collaborative proposal with the AZ Mayo Clinic was funded!
- Matt’s proposal to the NSF CAREER program was awarded!