Welcome to Zhao Group at ASU!

Dr. Yuji Zhao has moved to Rice University on July 1, 2021. Both his groups at ASU and Rice will be functional. For ASU matter, please email to [email protected]. For Rice matter, please email to [email protected].

Welcome! We are a semiconductor materials and devices group at Arizona State University, led by Prof. Yuji Zhao (curriculum vitae). Our research focus on advanced electronic and optoelectronic devices based on new materials, currently wide bandgap III-nitride semiconductors. Our current research interests are focused on GaN-based wide bandgap materials and devices for applications in energy efficiency, power electronics, high-temperature memory and ICs, and quantum information.

Our Current Research Projects

  • Electronics:
    • 1.2 kV-class GaN vertical power transistors (ARPAe PNDIODES)
    • High temperature GaN memory devices and ICs for space applications (NASA HOTTech)
    • Radiation effects in ultra-wide bandgap AlN/diamond/gallium oxide devices (DTRA YIP)
  • Photonics:
    • High temperature InGaN solar cells for space application (NASA CAREER and NSF EPMD)
    • AlN IR-UV supercontinuum generation and UV optical frequency comb (ARO PECASE)
    • Gallium oxide as a new platform for nonlinear optics and quantum photonics

Our Sponsors

  • DOE Office of Science
  • Army Research Office
  • NSF EPMD Program
  • NASA HOTTech Program
  • DoD DTRA Young Investigator Award
  • NASA Early Career Faculty Award
  • Science Foundation Arizona Bisgrove Scholar Tenure Track Faculty Award
  • Arizona State University Fulton Schools of Engineering

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