Understanding of heat transfer during skin contact with cooler or hotter objects is important for design of portable electronics, thermal displays, artificial hands, haptic devices, and wearable thermal systems as well as for setting safety standards in a variety of occupational settings. In addition, understanding of temperature impacts skin friction could aid the design of cooling devices for minimizing pressure ulcer formation. Our contributions include:

Valenza, A., Rykaczewski, K., Martinez, D.M., Bianco, A., Caggaiari, S., Worsley, P.R., and Filingeri, D.* , Thermal Modulation of Skin Friction at the Fingertip,  Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, (2023).

Rykaczewski, K.,* Dhanote, T. Analysis of Thermocouple-based Finger Contact Temperature Measurements ,  Journal of Thermal Biology, (2022).

Rykaczewski, K.* Modeling of Thermal Contact Resistance at Finger-Object Interface Temperature, 6 (1), 85-95, (2019).