Terahertz Research Lab
Millimeter (mmWave) and terahertz (THz) waves (30-GHz – 3 THz) constitute the least exploited bands of the electromagnetic spectrum. These bands feature large bandwidths, small wavelengths, and unique spectral properties for exciting new applications. Our group focuses on millimeter-wave (mmWave) and terahertz (THz) technology for applications in imaging systems, wireless communications, and metrology.
Research Areas
Imaging and Sensing Methods
What new imaging and sensing opportunities can millimeter and THz waves enable?
Beamforming Architectures
We design scalable apertures for high-resolution beam-shaping and rapid electronic beam-scanning
Principal Investigator

George Trichopoulos
Assistant Professor, ECEE
E-mail: gtrichop [at] asu.edu, Office:(480) 727-1918