Class 1000 Softwall Cleanroom -
Facility Overlook inside the Cleanroom (Left side) -
Facility Overlook inside the Cleanroom (Right side) -
Tunable Light Source for EQE and IS measurements (UV-vis-NIR) -
Fourier-transform Spectrometer and Infrared Microscope (vis-MIR) -
Fourier-transform Fiber Optics for in-situ Spectrometric Characterization (vis-MIR) -
High-Temperature Emissometer (spectral-directional emissivity, 500K-1300K) -
Cryogenic-to-high-temperature Full-capability Spectrometry Platform (vis-MIR, R/T/A, 77K-800K) -
Microscale Optical Reflectance/Transmittance (MORT) Spectrometer intergrated with Scanning Laser Thermoreflectance Microscope -
AFM Tip-based Near-field Thermal Metrology -
Plate-Plate Near-field Radiation Thermal Metrology (Tuning and Static) -
Thermophotovoltalic (TPV) or Vacuum Thermal Test -
Solar Thermal/TPV Test with Variable Concentrated Solar Irradiation up to 60 Suns -
Atomic Force Microscope with A-Probe and PLL for Surface Imaging -
6′ Fume Hood for Sample Preparation and Synthesis -
N2-Purged Sample Storage Bin -
Lab Bench for Sample Preparation