Post-award Support
Post-award Support
Get support for your grant
Congratulations on receiving an award! The Research Advancement staff in your school offer the following services to help you manage your project:
- Prepare monthly financial reports and expenditure rates
- Assist with administrative changes
- Provide oversight on monitoring travel and purchase expenditures for compliance
- Prepare expense projections to support planning
- Aid in submission of annual and progress reports
- Assist with sponsor supplemental funding and additional funding resource
Visit our Research Services directory to contact the Research Advancement staff in your school.
Project management support
Your sponsored project may benefit from project management support. Project managers in ORIEN have developed a recorded webinar that provides information about the following:
- Project managers and their roles in sponsored projects.
- Guidance to assist faculty in determining if their sponsored project/s should receive project management support.
- Details about the process of receiving project management support.
- Details about the specific tasks, managerial duties and assistance that project managers can provide.
Request PM support
Fulton Schools faculty seeking project management support for their sponsored projects should use the below form to request support or indicate intent to seek it. Faculty will need to include their name, school (only open to Fulton Schools faculty), brief details about the project, allocated time requested, funding stage, anticipated start date, relevant details, and attachments or documents relevant to the project, if any.
Project management support is funded through individual grants. ORIEN can help to discuss needs and manage the hiring process, but support must come from the grant budget. For more information on writing in project management support in your proposal, or using existing funding to pay for it, please watch the webinar or contact Morgan Carver.