black and gold stylized circuitry background image

Resources A-Z

This list is always in progress! To suggest an addition, contact Kelli Haren.

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About the Fulton Schools

Academic Affairs Manual (ACD)

Academic calendar

Academic integrity

Academic personnel forms (ASU)

Academic personnel actions

ADVANCE, ASU (professional development for faculty and administrators)

Animal care and use training (IUCAC)

ASU academic personnel forms

ASU ADVANCE (professional development for faculty and administrators)

ASU Brand Guide

ASU charter, mission, and goals

ASU Committees

ASU employee recognition programs

ASU Events

ASU IT policies and info security

ASU Limited submissions (research funding opportunities)

ASU News

ASU professional development

ASU Startup School

ASU Travel Guide

ASU Tuition reduction benefit

ASU University Senate

ASU Venture Devils

Awards and honors, Faculty


Barrett Honors College honors thesis program funding

Brand Guide (ASU)

Bylaws, Fulton Schools

Business Administration, Fulton Schools


Canvas resources

Career EDGE (ASU training and classes for employees via LinkedIn Learning)

Charter, mission, and goals (ASU)

Checklist, new faculty

Committees, ASU

Computing, Research

Core facilities, ASU

Core facilities and shared resources, Fulton Schools

Course classification

Course evaluations

Criteria for promotion, fixed-term (Provost)

Criteria for promotion, fixed-term academic professionals (Provost — under review)

Criteria for promotion, fixed-term lecturers (Provost)

Criteria for promotion, fixed-term research faculty (Provost)

Curriculum vita (CV) template


Dean of Students Office – Student Resources

Dean’s Office of Infrastructure and Safety (Engineering safety office)

Degrees granted (and enrollment) (Fulton Schools)

Diversity and Inclusion (Fulton Schools)


Employee recognition programs (ASU)

Engineering Safety office (Dean’s Office of Infrastructure and Safety)

Engineering Technical Services (ETS)

Engineering Technical Services research renovation and construction (lab setup) services

Enrollment and degrees granted (Fulton Schools)

Evaluations, Faculty (Provost)

Event planning guide (Fulton Schools)

Events (ASU)

Events (Fulton Schools, faculty and staff)

Events (Fulton Schools, students)


Faculty Awards and Honors

Faculty hiring guide (Fulton Schools)

Faculty evaluations (Provost)

Feedback, annual, on progress towards tenure

Fixed-term criteria for promotion (Provost)

Full Circle (Engineering news)

The Fulton Difference

Fulton Entrepreneurial Professors Program

FURI (Fulton Undergraduate Research Initiative)


Graders, how to hire

Grading scales and explanation of ABCDE

Graduate Teaching Assistants resources

Graduate research funding:


Hiring guide, Fulton Schools faculty

How to create a special topics class

How to create a syllabus, including required elements

How to hire graders

Human subject training (IRB)


In the Loop (info and events for Fulton Schools faculty and staff)

Infrastructure and Lab Safety

Inner Circle (info and events for Fulton Schools students)

IRB (Human subject training)

ISAAC (key card) access and how to get physical keys

IT policies and info security (ASU)

IUCAC, Animal care and use training



Knowledge Enterprise, ASU

Key card access and keys


Lab registration

Lab Safety

Lab Safety and training from ASU Environmental Health and Safety

Learning and Teaching Hub

LinkedIn Learning (Career EDGE professional development)


Marketing and Communications, Fulton Schools

Media requests

MORE (Graduate research funding)


New Economy Initiative

New Faculty Advisory Council (NFAC) members

New faculty checklist

New faculty information (Office of the University Provost)

New Faculty Orientation, T/TT (Office of the University Provost)

News, ASU

News, Engineering

NSF CAREER Awardees – Fulton Schools


Online teaching resources and information

Outreach programs, Fulton Schools


Performance evaluation, directors (Fulton Schools)

Petty cash procedures

Professional development (ASU)

Promotion and tenure workshops (Fulton Schools)

Promotion, tenure and retention criteria (Provost)

Proposal intake form

Provost’s office: New faculty information



Rankings (Fulton Schools)

Registering your lab

Research computing

Research Services (Fulton Schools)

Research Services from Engineering Technical Services (ETS)

Research Support Services from Engineering Technical Services (ETS)


Sabbatical governing policies (ASU)

Sabbatical process guide (Provost)

Safety, infrastructure and lab

Safety, Lab, training and resources (ASU Environmental Health and Safety)

Senate, University (ASU)

Skysong Innovations (commercialize your technology)

Skysong Innovations business development (startups)

Social media, Fulton Schools

Special topics class, how to create one

Startup School, ASU

Student employers, resources for

Student Organizations, Fulton Schools

Student Professionalism policy

Student Resources – Dean of Students Office

Summer Research Internships (SURI)

Syllabus, how to create one, including required elements

Syllabus template, Fulton Schools


Tenure, Annual feed back on progress towards

Thesis funding (honors), Barrett Honors College

Travel Guide (ASU)

Tuition reduction benefit (ASU)


Undergraduate Teaching Assistants

University Office of Evaluation and Educational Effectiveness (UOEEE)

University Senate, ASU


Venture Devils, ASU