M. Reisslein. Measurement-Based Admission Control for Bufferless Multiplexers. International Journal of Communication Systems, 14(8):735-761, October 2001.
M. Reisslein . Measurement-Based Admission Control: A Large Deviations Approach for Bufferless Multiplexers( extended version ). In Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications , pages 462-467, Antibes, France, July 2000.
M. Reisslein , K. W. Ross , and Srini Rajagopal. A Framework for Guaranteeing Statistical QoS , IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking , 10(1):27-42. February 2002. (Extended Version)
M. Reisslein , K. W. Ross , and Srini Rajagopal. Guaranteeing Statistical QoS to Regulated Traffic: The Single Node Case . In Proceedings of IEEE Infocom ’99 , pages 1060-1071, New York, NY, March 1999.
M. Reisslein , K. W. Ross , and Srini Rajagopal. Guaranteeing Statistical QoS to Regulated Traffic: The Multiple Node Case . In Proceedings of 37th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) , pages 531-538, Tampa, FL, December 1998.
M. Reisslein , K. W. Ross , and Srini Rajagopal. Packet Multiplexers With Adversarial Regulated Traffic. Computer Communications, 25(3):239-253, February 2002 (on ScienceDirect). (slides) shorter version appeared In Proceedings of IEEE Infocom ’98 , pages 347-355, San Francisco, CA, April 1998.
M. Reisslein , K. W. Ross . Call Admission for Prerecorded Sources with Packet Loss . IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications , 15(6):1167-1180, August 1997.