
Carlos Perez Leon


Carlos was working on my grant project, titled Commitment to Learning Instilled by Mastery-Based Undergraduate Program (CLIMB-UP) and successfully defended his dissertation in Fall 2024. His dissertation title is: “A Focus on Mastery: How Mastery […]

Graduate Students

A. Lili Castillo

Ph.D. Student

NSF Graduate Research Fellow 2022 A.Lili Castillo is a first-year graduate student pursuing a Ph.D. in Engineering Education Systems and Design. Her experiences, and those of her peers, have motivated and informed her research endeavors. […]

Carlos Perez Leon


Carlos was working on my grant project, titled Commitment to Learning Instilled by Mastery-Based Undergraduate Program (CLIMB-UP) and successfully defended his dissertation in Fall 2024. His dissertation title is: “A Focus on Mastery: How Mastery […]

Ulises Trujillo Garcia

Ph.D Student

NSF Graduate Research Fellow 2022 Research Interest: Experiences and empowerment of Latino/x students with migrant farm working backgrounds Increase engineering curiosity of Latino/x high school students through summer camps Increase engineering identity and sense of belonging […]

Postdoctoral Researcher

Timothy Wells

Postdoctoral Researcher

PhD in Learning, Literacy and Technology from Arizona State University

Undergraduate Researcher

Daisy Belmares-Ortega

REU: ENGagED Program

Mechanical Engineering, Third Year Undergraduate Student The University of New Mexico “After my undergraduate degree, my goals are to complete a Ph.D. program in aerospace engineering or biomedical engineering. I would like to pioneer space […]