- 12/15/2022: MS Researcher Wail Aljuhani Completes CHE MS Degree
- 12/05/2022: PhD Researcher Jared Nettles Defends his CHE Qualifying Exam
- 08/15/2022: PhD Researcher Jose Edgardo Lopez Cazares Defends CHE Qualifying Exam
- 08/01/2022: Award from NSF Interfacial Engineering program
- 07/31/2022: Award from ACS Petroleum Research Fund (PRF)
- 06/15/2022: MS Researcher Khaled Nafee Completes CHE MS Degree
- 06/15/2022: MS Researcher Saleh Alfarhan Completes MS Degree and continuing PhD studies.
- 12/05/2021: PhD Researcher Richard Gabriel Nile Completes CHE Qualifying Exam
- 10/31/2021: Research grant from Carlisle Medical Technologies
- 09/01/2021: Award from NSF EFRI E3P program as a Co-PI
- 04/07/2021: NASA NSTGRO21 Graduate Fellowship Award to PhD Student Gabriel Nile
- 10/15/2020 Jin Group Welcomes New Group Members!
- 10/01/2020 Jin Lab is Up and Running!
- 06/2020: Kailong Jin starts his assistant professor position officially at ASU.
- 05/2020: Kailong Jin submits his FIRST DOE proposal as a Co-PI.
- 03/2020: Kailong Jin accepts an offer of Assistant Professor in Chemical Engineering from Arizona State University.